- Right before the storm, almost nobody was there in Times Square.
- I am sure people on the ship got seasick.
- NYSE, no trading.
- No trains running at Grand Central.
- Saks 5th avenue, the showcases are down.
- Apple store on 5th avenue, people still care.
- At Walmart, people rushed in to secure their food.
- Against flooding, what we can do is limited.
- 126 West 57th st, Called One57, the crane was broken.
- The wind blow down the tree.
- The Frankenstorm is coming!
- United States Capitol, no green light to get there.
- Obama, arriving at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.
- The water came up to the sidewalk.
- Flooded already in NJ.
- The trampoline hopped on the lines.
- Even Lady Liberty is hiding from Sandy. LOL
- It’s still Halloween time!
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