
by • January 23, 2012 • NY TipsComments (0)1096

1月13日でしたか、当時のFOMCを記録した文書が6年の月日を経て公表されました。実に興味深いことに、グリーンスパン議長が最後に取り仕切った1月31日分のFOMC記録 には、数多くの〔Laughter〕、日本語表記だと「笑」が登場していたんです。この記事 によると、「笑」はざっと約45回。バブルの終焉を感じながら、FOMCメンバーは余裕たっぷりで経済運営していたことが分かります。

My Big Apple

「Although recent economic data have been uneven, the expansion in economic activity appears solid」
グリーンスパン議長「(FOMCの開幕の言葉で)Thank you all very much. I’ll try to say more later, but I’m not sure I can make it. [Laughter] Item 1 on the agenda is just basically for me to turn it over to Roger Ferguson to do as he sees fit. [Laughter]」
グリーンスパン議長「(リッチモンド連銀のラッカー総裁が外貨関連取引の修正案に反対したことをジョークにして)Yes. President Lacker has expressed his intention to uphold the Richmond tradition of voting against both the foreign currency authorization and the directive. [Laughter]」
グリーンスパン議長「(年金受給者の数が増えれば長期債の発行が増加すると仮定し、長期金利に影響が及ぶとした上でいかに予想が難しいかをジョークにして)But this is the first evidence—at least that I’ve been able to see—that this is an overwhelming force because, irrespective of the other forces that drive the long-term rates, the spread between the thirty-year and the fifty-year is really quite pronounced. And it is suggesting that it cannot be an economic forecast. We have enough trouble forecasting nine months. January 31, 2006 11 of 106 [Laughter]」
FRBのエコノミスト、ストックトン氏「(労働時間の変化につき、高齢になるに従って時間が短縮するとの見方を示しながら)Or affluent and more likely to be taking on part-time work in retirement. [Laughter] I’m not suggesting that your workweek is likely to fall; I’m sure it’s going to maintain its current level! [Laughter]」
グリーンスパン議長 「(ストックトン氏の上記の発言に対し)I object to that! [Laughter] I mean, there are data by age. Certainly in the household survey we pick up something.」
サンフランシスコ連銀イエレン総裁「(グリーンスパン議長に対し)If I might torture a simile, I would say, Mr. Chairman, that the situation you’re handing off to your successor is a lot like a tennis racquet with a gigantic sweet spot. [Laughter]」
セントルイス連銀プール総裁「(グリーンスパン議長の次なる2冊の本につき)Given my interest in making sure we have clear communication, I have a suggestion for a title for your [Greenspan's] first book. It is in line with some books by your predecessors. So I suggest The Joy of Central Banking. [Laughter] And I suggest that your second book be More Joy of Central Banking. [Laughter] 」
グリーンスパン議長「(自分の本のタイトルにつき)How to Be a Joyous Central Banker, Even Though We Don’t Have Hearts.[Laughter]」
NY連銀のガイトナー総裁「(グリーンスパン議長に感謝を意を表し)I’d like the record to show that I think you’re pretty terrific. [Laughter] And thinking in terms of probabilities, I think the risk that we decide in the future that you’re even better than we think is higher than the alternative. [Laughter]」
バイズFRB理事「グリーンスパン議長に感謝の意を表し)As an old risk manager, I was glad to feel right at home with your approach to monetary policy.[Laughter]」
ファーガソンFRB副議長「(グリーンスパン議長に対し感謝の意を表し)As a mere cadet, if you will, sitting next to the monetary policy Yoda…" [laughter] 」
コーンFRB理事「(経済への楽観スタンスを示し)My forecasts for 2006 are very close to those I submitted last January and June. That’s partly a product of innate stubbornness. [Laughter]」
このFOMCから約2年後、2008年10月に米議会で開かれた公聴会 で、グリーンスパン前議長は、
「We are in the midst of a once-in-a-century credit tsunami. Central banks and governments are being required to take unprecedented measures」
My Big Apple



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